February 16, 2011

Wine Divine

With the increasing popularity of wine over the years, many people have become amateur collectors. But for most, the cost of building a wine cellar is just not feasible. What do you do in this case? Well, fret not as I shall give you some simple tips that I have learnt, on how to store wine and retain their original flavour.

For starters, storage primarily depends on the type of wine you wish to stock up on. For instance, sparkling wine is most susceptible to change when exposed to light and heat. If you are planning to serve the wine in a week or two, it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

This is also the case with white wine. Since the properties are similar, it really does make sense to store the white wine in a cabinet that is directly away from sunlight, or in the refrigerator. Since sparkling wines, white wines and most dessert wines are served chilled, one should be aware of the temperature it is being served at. Do not chill your wine too much because it has the capability to lose some of its flavour. The recommended temperature for serving white or sparkling wine is no less than 45° F (7.22°C).

In the case of storing wine on a wine rack, store the sparkling wines on the lowest shelf, whites above the sparkling and reds above the white. Red wines should not be stored in the refrigerator as they are robbed of their natural flavours and tannins when stored in a cold place.

If you choose to store wine in a closet, ensure sufficient amount of circulation to avoid molds. Any potential closet should be well cleaned, and not smell musty. It is also recommend that wine is stored on its side, rather than upright as this keeps the wine in contact with the cork, which prevents air from getting into the wine.

Finally, never store any food or perishables, such as cheese, fruit or vegetables along with the wine. Once these items start fermenting, their flavours can actually enter the wine through the cork, causing it to mold. Follow these simple, yet effective steps and you are sure to enjoy every sip of your finely aged and preserved wine. Cheers!

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